
The MHSO is honoured to host Legacies – a photographic exhibition celebrating the achievements and challenges of 24 Canadian immigrant women from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The exhibit will run from March 21st to March 31st 2007. The accompanying stories of these women are told by their Canadian granddaughters, in English, French, and the grandmother’s first language.

Their countries of origin are: Afghanistan, Algeria, China, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Venezuela.

Gina Valle, the creator of this exhibition, first featured the stories of these women in her book, Our Grandmothers Ourselves: Reflections of Canadian Women. The book is the catalyst for the exhibit where insights into the immigrant life, the changing family in Canada, feminism, intergenerational relationships and aging are captured in print.

For more information, please visit Gina Valle’s website: http://www.ginavalle.com/pages/exhibit.html


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