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標題: ‘Sightseeing with Baltimore Friends’, Washington, D.C. (Detail from Ruth Lor Malloy’s photo album)
日期: 1954
提供者: Lor Malloy, Ruth
主題: Citizenship and Civil Rights, Discrimination, Education, Politics and Activism, Work
省份: Ontario

Lor Malloy, Ruth

Ruth Lor Malloy was born in 1932 in Brockville, Ontario. She moved to Toronto, Ontario as a young woman to attend the University of Toronto, where she studied sociology and philosophy. She joined several clubs, including the Student Christian Movement and the Chinese Canadian Association. After graduating from university in 1954, Ruth participated in a work camp in Washington, D.C, where she learned about non-violent solutions to racial discrimination. That same year, she became involved with the Canadian Congress of Labour’s project to test Ontario’s Fair Accommodations Practices Act. Along with other labour activists, she tested a business in racially segregated Dresden, Ontario, which thrust her into local headlines. In her youth, Ruth converted to the Quaker faith and throughout the 1950s, she volunteered for several Quaker, World Council of Churches, and Canadian Council of Churches work camps that took her to Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and the Canadian Arctic. She met fellow writer Mike Malloy in New Delhi, India and the two married in Hong Kong in 1965. After traveling to China in 1965, and then again in 1972, she wrote the first English-language travel guide for visitors of Chinese heritage, which was updated in thirteen subsequent editions for all foreign visitors. While living in several places around the world, including Southeast Asia and the United States, Ruth has maintained a career as a freelance writer and photo-journalist. At the time of the interview, she resided in Toronto, Ontario and collected and preserved Asian textiles.

This page of Ruth Lor Malloy’s album displays photographs of Ruth and her friends at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. On the eve of the United States Civil Rights movement (1955–1968), Ruth attended a Washington race relations workshop held by the Congress of Racial Equality and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. The Jim Crow racial segregation laws were still widely upheld in the United States. Ruth’s experience led her to seek out non-violent solutions to racial discrimination in Canada.