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標題: Children outside the Lum Sing Laundry, Toronto
日期: Unknown
提供者: Lem, Brenda Joy
主題: Childhood, Work
省份: Ontario

Lem, Brenda Joy

Brenda Joy Lem is a third generation Chinese Canadian visual artist based in Toronto, Ontario. Her mother, Kathleen Lem (née Yip), was born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan but was educated in China. When Japan invaded China, Kathleen and her sisters fled their village, moving from one Christian Mission to another in search of refuge. The young women were displaced for thirteen years before they were reunited with family in Canada after the war. Kathleen then married William Lem of Toronto, Ontario and the couple settled in Etobicoke, Ontario. Brenda values the Chinese cultural practices and traditions her mother taught her, some of which she has passed on to her own daughter, Una. On her father’s side, Brenda admires the life of her late grandmother Jean Chin and aunt Margaret Lem. The artist explores her aunt’s memories of growing up Chinese Canadian in Oshawa in several recent works included in the traveling exhibition, Brenda Joy Lem: Homage to the Heart. Drawing from archival photographs, cultural imagery, and the oral histories of her family members, Brenda’s prints and mixed media works explore notions of identity, memory, and place.

Three girls stand outside the Lum Sing laundry in Toronto, Ontario, owned by a relative of William Lem’s family. Believing Toronto was already well-serviced by laundry businesses, the Lems settled in Oshawa, Ontario, where they were the first to open up a Chinese hand laundry. William and his siblings assisted their mother, Jean Chin, with many of the laundry duties.