Growing Cultures:
The Stories Of Our Gardens

Gardens bring forward thoughts of beauty, comfort and nourishment. Gardens symbolize our roots. For the gardener, a garden can be a luxury or a necessity. Growing Cultures is an exhibit on the gardens of immigrants to Ontario. The show features an extraordinary collection of 40 photographs by Vince Pietropaolo, selected gardening implements/artifacts and audio-visual documentation on the gardeners themselves.

The exhibit also includes audio-visual elements of individual gardeners in their distinctive gardens, the role of the garden in the community and what the garden means in the life of a gardener.

An exhibit sure to sow the seeds of appreciation.

Read the media release regarding the launch at the MHSO's Heritage Gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum.

See the photographs at the reception at the MHSO on May 11th.

43 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C3
Telephone: (416) 979-2973
Fax: (416) 979-7947





