Here's what others have said about the Family Stories program experience:
"It made history authentic."
"Participation in the project opened up discussion about the immigration experience in families."
"By displaying their work, the students reached a higher standard and gained a sense of pride and self-satisfaction."
"The program helped students to understand themselves as Canadian citizens in a new Canadian society."
"This could become a cross-curriculum learning experience that could tie into history, geography, arts, music and probably other subjects."
"Understanding how political, economic and other factors impact on population movement and individual lives is very relevant, and taken from the perspective of the child's family could be very meaningful."
"This was an amazing experience. We all learned about the family. Bravo!"
"Absolutely the best way to learn about history is through the lived experience of your own family."
"It brought history alive to my son."
"The project provided new opportunities to explore our family's and community's history with our son."
"Not only did my daughter question us about our family but she inspired me to do the same."
"The project was truly a learning and rewarding experience because my child now has a better knowledge and understanding of how important and valuable families are to us."
"My son's grandmothers are 75 and 85 years old and it was great to see them working together."
Tell us about you Family Stories experience! Please contact us to share your feedback.